Backwards and Forwards
Magic in the Magic City
Tin Foil Hats—A Commentary on Our Troubled Times
The “He’s No Idiot” Rule
Oh, When Those Drones Come Flying In
Fear in the Valley of the Shadows
I Leave Home to Go Home
A Tale of Two Museums
Wedding Crashers
Hill Street Blues
The Poem That Shook the World
A Dictionary for our Times
Like a Moth Circling the Flame
A Different Day
Pro Deo Et Patria
The Sorrow and the Pitiful
Barbarians at the Gate
It is called the Arena because its floor was covered with harena, the Latin word for sand. Back in the day, the morning show would be men, often prisoners, fighting wild animals—you know, lions and tigers and bears, which were captured and shipped to Verona to entertain the crowd. I don’t know which contestant had the greater odds of seeing the afternoon, but I would bet the animals had the advantage.